Easy Tips & Techniques For Cleaning & Caring For Professional Makeup Brushes

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Easy Tips & Techniques For Cleaning & Caring For Professional Makeup Brushes

Taking good care of your new cosmetic brush set will prolong the life of the brushes. Makeup brushes are an investment and if you clean makeup brushes on a regular basis they can last indefinitely.
Basic Makeup Brush Cleaning:
Daily cleaning is a necessity if you are a makeup artist and will be using your professional makeup brushes on clients. However, daily brush cleaning can also be beneficial for your personal makeup brush set. This will prevent product build-up and will provide a clean, healthy application of your cosmetics.
Technique #1:
  • Spray both sides of the brush with a makeup brush cleaner.
  • Take a paper towel and wipe the brush. You can do this by wrapping the paper towel around the brush. While applying pressure with the thumb and fingers on one hand, pull the brush through the paper towel with your other hand. You can also sweep the tips of the brush across the paper towel, as if you were trying to paint the paper towel. You should continue wiping the brush until the paper towel is clean and you can't see any makeup or color being transferred from the brush to the paper towel.
  • Repeat the process as necessary.
  • As a professional makeup artist, this type of quick cleaning should be done both before and after working on a client. You can never be too careful with the cleanliness of your professional makeup brushes.
Technique #2:
  • Fold a paper towel in half and then in half again. Pour your favorite makeup brush cleaner directly onto the paper towel. Lightly sweep the brushes back and forth between the fold of the paper towel until all make-up residue is removed and the brush hair is completely clean.
Deep Cleaning:
Every two to four weeks you should perform a more thorough cleaning of your brushes. If you are a makeup artist, or someone who will be using your professional brushes with clients, you should do a deep cleaning of your brushes at the end of each day.
Technique #1:
  • Start by wetting the brush hair.
  • Pour a small amount of mild shampoo or antibacterial soap in the palm of your hand, or on a plate.
  • Swirl the brush around in your palm so that it mixes with the shampoo. Rinse the shampoo out of your palm and keep cleaning until the water and shampoo in your hand is clear.
  • Apply more shampoo to your palm and repeat the process as needed.
  • Rinse the brush thoroughly at the end to make sure that all of the soap and residue has been removed. Be careful when rinsing your brush so that only the brush bristles are under the water. Rinsing the entire brush can lead to water being trapped under the ferrule and compromising the glue that attaches the brush to the handle.
  • ** Turn the brush upside down and place the brush handle between the palm of your two hands.
  • Spin the brush between your palms so that the brush fibers spin and release the water.
  • Use your fingers to reshape the brush.
  • Lay the brush handle on a counter top, vanity, bureau or anyplace where the brush handle can lay flat and the brush bristles can hang over the counter. This will allow air to circulate the brush and to dry it more quickly. Let the brush dry completely overnight.
Technique #2:
  • This technique is good if you have a full makeup brush set that you need to clean.
  • Fill a sink, or large bowl, with warm water.
  • Mix a small amount of mild shampoo or antibacterial soap with the water.
  • Dip the brush hair into the water and shampoo mixture. Swirl the brush around, using your fingers as needed, to work the shampoo into the bristles and to release the makeup from the brush.
  • Rinse the brush under the faucet until the water runs clear and all residue has been removed.
  • Follow the steps above (from the ** on) for how to dry the brush.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4088903

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Types and Sale of Cheap Cosmetics

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Types and Sale of Cheap Cosmetics

There are mainly two kinds of makeup. The first is organic makeup while the second is called mineral makeup. There is an exclusive range of cheap cosmetics present in both categories. Most of these cosmetic items are handcrafted. Usually the kind of makeup included in this range is mineral makeup. There are various reasons for making and selling these mineral makeup items. Other than mineral cosmetics, organic makeup products are also sold. The main aim of making these mineral makeup items is to meet the current trends of specific social groups and lifestyles.
Usually cosmetics are designed for various age groups and ethnicity. Cheap cosmetics can also be bought from reliable wholesale stores where good quality branded cosmetics is available. Usually the mineral cosmetics include natural mineral compounds in their composition which are required by the skin and essential for its nourishment. Certain pigments are added in order to add color to products like lipsticks, lip glosses and blushers. All these materials are first tested to ensure high quality and to minimize any possible side-effects. Organic cosmetics are often considered long-lasting due to their water resistant nature.
Mineral cosmetics are comparatively better than their organic counterparts because they do not cover the skin completely. Instead they leave some room for the pores of skin to breathe. In this way the whole face is given a natural feeling because of light-weight coverage. Another advantage of cheap cosmetics of mineral composition is that these are made of constituents that are free of organic components, oils and other preservatives. Thus skin is not exposed to such irritants as talc and other pigments.
Nowadays there is a shift in trend to online shopping of cosmetic products. Various online shopping websites offer the sale of cheap cosmetics of various high quality brands. In addition, they often also ship to overseas customers. Buyers search for the cosmetics they want, and then the order is placed after selection of the desired items. There are many different reputed brands available for sale on various websites. Along with the sale of makeup items, some websites also offer guidelines to customers regarding the selection of cosmetics based on their skin type and tone.
Most websites change the offers they have from time to time. This is because the available cheap cosmetics on the websites get updated, while also guiding customers about which of the new offers would suit their skin or hair type. The basic aim of providing makeup items for sale on various websites and outlets is to enable customers to get a complete range of makeup items at an affordable price.
Currently, top brands in the cosmetics industry are involved in producing stocks of cheap cosmetics items. An advantage to buying these branded products is that these are not only of high quality but also come at a reasonable price. Although many ranges of cheap cosmetics are not on offer at regular intervals, they are still bought by many customers. These brands commonly specialize in producing cosmetics that are not easily available on the open market. Sometimes websites have special offers from these brands. These products often include special items which do not usually lie within the regular discount price range.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6545526

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Cheap Mac Makeup Online Information

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Cheap Mac Makeup Online Information

Many women know the importance of a quality set of makeup. It's important not only because a bad set could ruin your skin and how you look, but also because there are a lot of dangers in choosing just any makeup out there. Remember, it will stay for hours on your face, so you don't want to put on something that is bad for you. You only want to buy the best ones out there.
Mac Makeup is one of the best and trusted brands worldwide. That's a fact. But it's also true that not a lot of women could invest in a good set of Mac Makeup because of its price. While there are a lot of cheaper alternatives out there, you could still opt to buy Mac without spending too much, provided you know where to get your discounts.
Cheap Mac Makeup is a dream come true for a lot of women. After all, who wouldn't welcome the idea of getting the best brand that does wonders for your face and appearance, and is light on the pocket at the same time. You might not be able to believe it at first, but you really could get an entire set for a fraction of its original price, or just specific cosmetic necessities for a cheap price as well.

There are basically three basic sources that you could check out to get your cheap Mac Makeup. You could rely on these sources all at the same time if you want to really maximize the savings that you could get.
First of all, there are always the Mac coupons. Although the products where you could use the coupons for vary, if you get enough, it's possible that you buy an entire set of Mac Makeup using mostly the coupons and just adding a few dollars.
If you don't know where to start looking for the coupons, there are always Mac stores both online and offline. There are both printable and online coupons that you could get, depending on the season. And aside from those, they have their regular sales where you could get cheap Mac Makeup as well.

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How to Do Smoky Eye Makeup

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How to Do Smoky Eye Makeup

Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan and almost all of the hot girls on the block have done it. It will be just another hour and you wouldn't wish to show up on the party with the cold, not-so-hot, old trick makeup you yourself wish to be over with. Learning how to do smoky eye makeup should be on the top of your list, unless you want to disappear in obscurity.
An eyeshadow application starts with a good eye base applied in the entire eyelid. Make sure that the eyebase is of good quality, one that does not melt and cakes into the creases of your eyelids. Apply a dark colored eyeshade sheer stick on the lower part of the eyelid, sweeping and blending the dark tone up to the crease line of the eyes. Place a little extended arch, as in a rainbow a little over the outer side of the crease, making sure that the application on the two eyes is on the same level and even.
Then using a medium sized eye shadow brush, dip on a deep purple pigment eyeshadow and dab it on top of the dark eyebase. Deep purple is recommended for green eyed or blue eyed gals, while dark brown suits the brown eyed women. The hue of smoky eyes can be achieved through the eyeliner which need to be applied on the upper eyelash. A gray or a brown smoky eyes can be achieved using an eyeliner with those colors. Apply a thicker line in the middle part of the eyelash line. The key word in a creating smoky eyes is to blend. Smudge and blend this lighter eyeliner in upward motion for creating a smoky effect.
The next step is to apply a lighter based eye shadow color on the upper side of the eyelid. Sweep this light shade back and forth all over the upper lid to the browbone. Use an eye shadow brush to blend the color upward from the lash line. You will know that the blending and smoky effect is achieved when the eyeliner disappears with your upward strokes. Put eyeliners as well under the eyes for definition and smudge along with the upper eyelash line. Add a shimmering black shade by lightly sweeping the edge of the eyes, along the eyelined part with a soft edged brush.
Check whether the two eyes are evenly done and make adjustments. The good thing with smoky eyes is that you can never go wrong with over doing it. A well blended dark shade will have the right smoky effect when properly blended. You can always add a darker shade if you want more impressions. Just remember to blend along the way and keep the dark shade on the lower eyelid, not on the upper part below the brows. Needless to say, create your smoky eyes in a well lit room to save time and avoid mistakes.
Knowing how to do smoky eye makeup will not only raise your star quality, it will also save you a lot of money. For all you know, the smoky trend might linger for quite a while.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2351385

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Should Men Wear Makeup?

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Should Men Wear Makeup?

I received a call at work a few weeks ago from a friend who sounded frantic. "Dale, I have a huge pimple on my nose!" he cried. "It's really bad. Uh, is there any way that you could cover it with some of that stuff?" He was referring to concealer and while he'll remain nameless of course, I helped him cover it and thought this cosmetic anecdote might help us ease into the topic of 'men wearing makeup.' It's more common than you think.
Did you watch the Academy Awards red carpet coverage last Sunday? In case you missed it; Angelina Jolie stole the show with her overly exaggerated pose popping her leg out of her gown as if her thigh was the hottest new fashion accessory. However, it was a glowing Brad who caught my attention. I couldn't help but notice Pitt's unnaturally pretty complexion. It's common knowledge all actors wear makeup on set, but I noticed he was wearing foundation, concealer, a bit of light shadow and definitely some highlighter. AskMen.com recently conducted a survey among a group of 'urban professionals' and 20% of men said it was perfectly fine to wear makeup. In fact, concealer is at the top of the list of recommended cosmetics for men.
I would never pressure a guy into wearing light makeup, unless he wanted to. Is it fair that when a woman has a bright red blemish on the middle of her forehead or bags under her eyes, she can simply dot on a bit of concealer, but a man can't? I'll leave the concealer debate up to you, but there are three subtle products I think every man should own starting with eye-cream. Applying eye-cream every night is a smart move because it keeps the delicate skin around eyes moisturized and can also can help with under eye circles and puffiness. Men should also wear sunscreen every day. There are sunscreens that are extremely light weight and can simply be part of your morning routine. Depending on your skin tone, owning some sort of man tanner is very common. I don't suggest going anywhere near a Jersey Shore shade, but "sun tone enhancers," and men's bronzers are products you can easily find in department stores.

I was recently hired to do makeup and styling on the set of a promo shoot. The low budget commercial was for a new I-phone app in the Bay Area starring a man and woman. As I finished applying her fake eyelashes, the director said, "don't forget to do his makeup too," pointing to the male lead. I applied light concealer and some contouring with bronzer. He wondered what his fiancé was going to think when she saw him and seemed rather uncomfortable with the makeup process, until he looked in the mirror. "Wow, that stuff really does make a difference," he said. It sure does and if the day comes when you decide to experiment with concealer, please be sure to blend well or ask a trusted female for a few pointers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6914689

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Where to Buy Cheap Makeup

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Where to Buy Cheap Makeup

It is easy to understand why some may be cautious when investing in products online. Many people wonder how they can tell if a product is of good quality or worth the money they invest.
The first step in this process is checking out cheap makeup reviews. There are hundreds available online on products from semi permanent hair dye and neon hair dye. These reviews come from ordinary consumers that have tried and tested all of the products mentioned. And, most of these are valid. This is the best way to find out whether a discount cosmetic is worth investing in.
The next step in determining whether a product may be right is to try it. Some people will visit retailers and test out many products. This may be helpful if investing in foundation. Matching colour type is sometimes hard to do online. But, by visiting a retailer it is easy to find out what colours work best.
Then, rather than paying the high prices associated with retail products, simply return online.
Brand Names vs. Discount Cosmetics
There is a difference between brand names and discount cosmetics. Brand name makeup products cost a fortune. And, they can be a waste of money. Although, investing in a good makeup brush is definitely worth the cost.
Some discount makeup products are not made well. This is why reading a review is so important. By reading reviews it is easy to determine whether a product will work well or not. There are many quality brand name discount makeup suppliers however as the prices only reflect the savings by buying directly from a wholesaler rather than on the quality of the makeup. That also includes makeup brushes which are usually quite expensive. Sometimes it is possible to save by using ordinary paint brushes or discount brushes purchased at a beauty bargain store. This way there is more money to spend on quality products online.
When deciding between brand name and discount cosmetics, remember to always buy based on reviews, and your usage. Some things, like brushes, foundations, you will end up using a lot and therefore need to have really good quality. Others, like fancy party makeup, you will not use as much, so it is OK to get discount prices on these.
What to Buy
There is a wide selection of products one can choose from when buying discount cosmetics. Lotions, perfumes, hair accessories, and traditional makeup are all readily available. When shopping it works best to create a list of essential items so that too much time is not wasted simply surfing the net.
Most people require a good moisturiser. A good cleanser is also necessary. Foundation is essential because it helps create a smooth surface to work from. Back in the day, foundation was thick and heavy. It basically looked like someone painted a face. Thanks to modern cosmetics and developments however, foundation no longer is heavy and outdated. Even cheap matte foundations can appear light and translucent. It is hard to say how this works, but it makes for a flawless appearance.
Eye shadow is always a nice complement to perk up tired eyes, and a little liner goes a long way. Some women swear by mascara, and will buy only mascara and foundation. It may be a good idea to invest in a little lip balm if this is the case, especially during winter months when cold dry air can lead to chapped lips.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6896919

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The History Of Natural Makeup

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The History Of Natural Makeup

The use of natural makeup products has been around ever since people became aware of themselves. When people realised for the first time that the muddy face staring back at them from pond or river was actually themselves - the desire to improve looks was born. So the use of truly organic makeup has been around almost as long a man (or woman) himself.
So how was the foundation for the makeup industry started? When did makeup products become commercially popular? Why is there a move today to go back to all natural cosmetics and makeup products?
To answer those questions we have to go back to the Egyptians and their use of foundations and eye makeup.
Egyptian beauty
Most of us have seen pictures of Cleopatra with her dark eye makeup and bronze foundation. Red clay and water was used for lips and cheeks. Henna was used to dye the nails and hair. They believed that beauty was not only to look good for themselves but it also had spiritual meaning it was pleasing to the gods. So the more beautiful a person looked, the more the gods would be pleased. Because their makeup could please the gods they also reasoned that it could protect them from evil. Burnt almonds were burnt to produce a dark colored powder. This was mixed with sheep's fat, lead and copper ores, ash and ochre was applied to the eyes to give the eye an almond look which was considered very desirable. They also used other colors for a natural foundation. For example they applied a bright green paste of copper minerals to their faces to provide colour. Perfumed oils were used to create sweet smelling perfumes. They even tackled body odour by mashing incense soaked porridge into their armpits! In fact many of the nut and seed and essential oils being used today were used during these times to prevent dryness against the hot Egyptian sun and winds. Almond, olive and sesame oils along with essential oils like lavender, peppermint, chamomile, rose, myrrh and thyme were commonly used. So natural makeup was born!
The Far East
Around 1500 BC in China and Japan rice powder paint was used as for a white foundation. It maybe didn't give a natural makeup look but it certainly caught people eye! We will all have seen the classic geisha face. Eyebrows were plucked, and teeth were even painted black or gold. Henna dyes were used to dye hair and faces. In fact today henna is still a great hair dye!
Grecian makeup
In Greece in 1,000 BC it became popular for women and men of the upper classes to wear wigs. This was because they had started using bleaches to lighten their hair, and ended up destroying their hair completely! They made rouge from crushed mulberries and sometimes red beet juice and crushed strawberries. For a lighter foundation white lead and chalk were used. Women used a clay stained red with iron, as lipstick, and even painted their palms with henna to make them look younger.
Roman times
The Romans took bathing seriously, hence the amount of public baths that can still be seen today. They caused themselves no end of pain by their attempts at being hair-free. Crocodile excrement was used for mud baths, barley flour and butter for pimples, and sheep fat and blood for nail polish. Women wore white lead and chalk to lighten their faces, a look that was to last off and on to the present day. Part of the reason for this look was that it demonstrated wealth. Only the wealthy could stay inside and avoid a sun-tan. Of course nowadays it the opposite. Those with sun-tans are considered more wealthy because of being able to afford exotic holidays. Now though with more of the dangers associated with the sun and skin cancer we might see a revival in whiter skin.
Medieval to middles ages
During this time it was still fashionable to have the pale look and efforts were made to make lighter foundations, not all of them 'natural' though. If the fashionable sixth century woman could not afford white make-up, she achieved the same result by using leeches and bleeding herself! Sometimes egg whites or a potentially deadly combination of carbonate hydroxide and lead oxide was used to make a face powder. Lead which provided a white look and arsenic because it gave a metallic luster could also be found in eye shadows and lip tints. And to finish off the pale look, belladonna, a poisonous herb, was dropped into the eyes to dilate the pupils and give them a dreamy look.
Renaissance look
The expression 'looks can kill' took on a new meaning thanks to a woman in Italy by the name of Ms. Toffana. She made an arsenic based white face foundation Aqua Toffana. Women would visit Ms.Toffana to learn its proper use. The instructions were never to ingest the makeup, but to apply it to their cheeks when their men were around. Six hundred dead husbands (and many wealthy widows) later, Ms. Toffana was executed.
With the start of 14th Century makeup was soon back in fashion and many different types of makeup products were being produced. Women wore egg whites over their faces to create a glazed look and in Elizabethan England dyed red hair was the fashion. Women were also known to sleep with slices of raw beef on their faces to get rid of wrinkles.
Fragrant France
During the 16th century in Europe Italy and France became the chief centre of makeup and cosmetic manufacture. New fragrances were created by blending ingredients together.
Essential oils were extracted from plants such as Lavender, which were being mass cultivated for this purpose for the first time. The white look continued to be popular, a 16th century whitening agent for the face was composed of carbonate, hydroxide, and lead oxide. These agents, cumulatively stored in the body with each use, were responsible for numerous physical problems and resulted in some cases of muscle paralysis or death. This is the reason why today many are looking for more natural makeup products. There are no clear studies as to how the mixture of different synthetic chemicals in modern day makeup can affect the body.
Back By Popular Demand
By the 18th century with the beginnings of mass production and increasing wealth meant that cosmetics were in use by nearly all social classes. Red rouge and lipstick were all the rage in France. The more puritanical protestant countries were slower - viewing red as the color of loose women. They accused the French of hiding their ugliness behind makeup. In the 19th century Zinc oxide replaced lead as a white colorant, but other poisonous substances continued in use. Lipsticks contained mercuric sulphide and the deadly nerve toxin, belladonna, was added to the eyes to open up the iris 'and make one's eyes sparkle'. Did you know that lead is still found in some lipsticks today!
So as you can see not much has changed in the history of makeup. Unfortunately today makeup companies are still putting potentially dangerous chemical in makeup products. Although they are classed as 'safe for use', this is sometimes because there is no proof yet of the damage that these can cause. For example traces of parabens (a preservative used in most cosmetic products) have found in breast cancers. While there is no definite link to say that parabens are causing skin cancer, many are alarmed at these findings. After all the cosmetic companies are mainly interested in money. We know this because many times cheap chemicals are used which cause damage and irritation to the skin. These cheap chemicals can also be found in the so-called 'top of the range' makeup and cosmetic products.

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Foundation For Black Women

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Foundation For Black Women

There are lots of different brands of foundation make up that is suitable for women of colour. You can decide to use a powder foundation or a liquid type. Here are just a few tips about one sort of cosmetic product that you may like to consider.
It is called Black Opal True Color Liquid foundation. It comes in a little bottle but you will find that a little does go a long way. The bottle is upright and has a good opening so it is easy for you to get the liquid out of this container. Depending on how much make up you tend to use and whether you wear it on a daily basis, this sort of product should last between 2 to 3 months. This is a good amount of time because the make up will not be able to go stale or to dry out in that time.
If you are on a tight budget, you will find that you will be able to purchase this sort of product for less than 15 dollars.
Liquid foundation will take a little time to get right. You have to be able to work out how much you will need to add to your face so that it will blend with your complexion and leave you with a completely flawless looking base. This is what you need so that the rest of your makeup will look fantastic.
You can choose to apply this make up using sponge wedges, using cotton pads or even your fingers. The best thing to do is to experiment so that you can decide what works best for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3652803

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How To Choose Eyeshadow for Blue Eyes In Seconds

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How To Choose Eyeshadow for Blue Eyes In Seconds

Of all eye colors, blue is the most common but this color also has multiple variations. For instance, some women have light, piercing blue eyes while others have deep, almost turquoise colored blue eyes. Regardless of the exact color of blue you eye are, if you wear eyeshadow you want colors that would enhance the beauty of your face, as well as eyes. Although you could wear whatever color wanted, certain colors within a palette would be more stunning than other colors. The information provided in this article will make the buying process easier.
More than likely, you are among the millions of women in this country that have extremely tight schedules so the last thing you want is to spend precious time and effort trying to find the best cosmetics. Therefore, when it comes to buying face makeup there is no need to make the process complicated. However one challenge does exist in that companies manufacturing and selling cosmetics offer such a wide variety of choices that the buying process can be a little daunting.
While the purchase of foundation, mascara, and blush requires making right choices, the purchase of eyeshadow is in a league of its own. With literally hundreds of colors, a choice of powder or cream applications, and multiple techniques, this type of product warrants more attention. In addition to the information we provided here, it would be beneficial to research designs and styles of a professional makeup artist. For instance, using the Internet you would have the opportunity to look at applications by many professionals, as well as instructions for applying different colors but also types of eyeshadow.
Interestingly, women with brown, green, and hazel colored eyes should follow a specific color palette but for women with blue eyes, a misconception has circulated for years whereby they too would be restricted as to eyeshadow color. In truth, blue eyes are the only color without eyeshadow color limitations. Because of this, you could purchase an empty eyeshadow palette, filling it with whatever colors you find most interesting or intriguing. While no color limitations, you could choose colorful eye makeup or something that is subtle to enhance the beauty of your eyes.
One option would be to coordinate eyeshadow color with the clothing being worn. That does not mean the eyeshadow has to match perfectly but it could at least be in a similar hue. A perfect color of eyeshadow for blue eyes is lavender because it brings out the blueness of the eyes regardless of actual color. For something dramatic, smoky eyes are another excellent option but for this, you want to keep the darkness somewhat understated. Glitter or shimmer eyeshadow would also look amazing with blue eyes. Finally, while you could wear brown, green, and gold, you want to use these colors sparingly and choose softer hues.

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The Best Moisturizers For Oily Skin

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The Best Moisturizers For Oily Skin

Oily skin?. Read our top 5 tried and tested moisturisers for oily skin. Combat shiny T-Zone, combination skin and acne prone oily skin.
Many people struggle with an oily skin type. Rectifying this problem and controlling shine could be as simple as switching to an organic moisturiser especially formulated for your skin type. Choose from our list of organic skin care for the best tried and tested options.
  1. Best for Oily T-Zone with Drier Skin Elsewhere - Amala Beauty Purifying Gel Moisturiser. If you have dry cheeks and an oily forehead and nose this is the moisturiser for you. This product has been formulated to target an the T-Zone balancing it back to a healthy matte finish, whilst not drying out the rest of the face. Containing 70% certified organic ingredients including Rice Germ and Blue Lotus, any breakouts are quickly treated and calmed. Reduces associated redness and inflammation too.
  2. Best for Hot Summer Months - Dr Alkaitis Soothing Gel. This product is a lightweight solution to calm inflammatory conditions often associated with excess oil. The perfect light moisturiser in the heat of summer. This organic skin care corrects the individual balance of the skin of each user to bring it to optimum health.
  3. Best for Skin that is Shining by Lunchtime - Stem Organics Balancing Face Fluid. This light non-greasy organic moisturiser for oilier skins reduces the dreaded shine and helps balance skin long term. Black Willow Bark has potent anti-microbial properties that banish any spots if they are a problem.
  4. Best for Normal to Combination Skin - Suki Skincare Balancing Day Lotion. The star feature of this greaseless lotion is a powerful anti-inflammatory action from white willow. This is great for skin that is slightly oily with the odd spot. The formulation is so light it won't clog pores.
  5. Best Matte Finish on Young Skin - Pai Geranium & Thistle Moisturiser. Lightweight, cooling and matte this moisturiser contains 70% organic skin care ingredients and omega 6 which helps reduce large pores.
Special mention goes to Amala Beauty Purifying Mattifier. This is an oily skin must have. Leaves a matte finish on even the most oily skin in seconds. Reapply through out the day on very hot days or use as a make-up primer. Oily skin may be a problem now but rest assured as you age this is the more desirable skin type to have. Oil protects the skin from ageing prematurely so in 20 years time you'll be glad your skin was a little oily!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4748697

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Best Organic Makeup

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Best Organic Makeup

More women are becoming conscious of the ingredients in their makeup. Eyes are opening about the toxic contents of conventional beauty products. Most commercial cosmetics are loaded with synthetic ingredients, which mimic hormones and cause a plethora of diseases. Because of this, the trend today is moving toward the use of organic cosmetics. Organic cosmetics can still provide the benefit of looking great without the risk. One such product gaining increased momentum is organic foundation. How do you know which one is right for you and what ingredients should you look for?
What is Organic Foundation?
Most women use foundation to even their skin tones and cover up problem areas, such as redness, acne, or age spots. Foundation is also known as base and creates a smooth look for which powder and blush can easily adhere to. Conventional foundations contain chemicals known to cause disease and should be avoided. As an alternative, organic foundation is available and performs the same function as regular foundation but with none of the health risks. Organic foundation is usually certified organic by a number of assorted agencies, such as the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), ACE (Australian Certified Organic) and the QAI (Quality Assurance International) to name a few. If a product is certified organic, it is pesticide and insecticide free and contains ingredients made from nature. Some excellent natural foundations are not certified organic. This is a good option but be sure to check the ingredient label for any synthetic ingredients. If it contains something you cannot identify or pronounce, it's a good idea to skip it.
Which Organic Foundation is Right For Me?
When you make the decision to switch your makeup to organic, how do you know which foundation to choose? If you do your research, you'll find there are hundreds of brands available. It can get confusing trying to decide between brands. First off, you must look at the ingredient labels. The best organic foundations might contain one, some, or all of these ingredients:
  • Natural oils, such as almond or rice bran
  • Kosher Vegetable Glycerin
  • Kaolin Clay
  • Aloe Vera Juice
  • Fruit or Vegetable Pigments
  • Vitamin E and C
  • Zinc Oxide
All of the ingredients listed above have a specific purpose in the formulation. For example, the natural oils moisturize the skin and the zinc oxide adds a sun protection factor (spf).
Once you've found the brand you like, the next step is selecting the type of foundation. They are usually available in three forms and in different coverages. Liquid and cream formulas are best for dry or combination skin. Choose a powder if you have excessively oily skin. Some brands have cream-to-powder styles ideal for all skin types. After you select the form, next up is color selection. This can be a bit challenging, especially if you are purchasing the foundation online. Many websites offer a sample size for a few dollars so you can try it out. If you're buying it in a department store, the sales person or makeup artist can be very helpful in assisting you to choose the right shade. Otherwise, here are some tips on how to select the right color to match your skin tone:
  • It's always better to go a shade lighter than you need instead of trying to match your shade, which may darken over time.
  • If possible, try on a bit of the foundation and keep it on for at least 30 minutes then check in both natural sunlight and indoor lighting to see how it works.
  • You can also try your foundation on your jawline to be able to tell if there is a difference in color. But a true match is when it disappears on your skin.
  • The correct shade should literally disappear into the skin and blend with the skin tone of the neck rather than the face.
Those are just a few tips that should make your quest for organic foundation a little easier. Now that you know the ingredients to watch for and the different formulations, it'll be a breeze to go shopping for the perfect makeup.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6386463

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Best Natural Makeup

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Best Natural Makeup

A large number of women work in an office environment. Jobs in this area can be very rewarding but they can also be pretty dull. To be fair, working in an office is much more comfortable than other jobs you could have and often the pay is reasonable if not good.
However having a cross section of people working in close proximity with each other for a long period of time day after day brings its own challenges: in particular personality clashes and competitions or, as it is termed, 'office politics.'
One area this can be a particular problem, especially for women, is with regard to appearance. Ensuring you wear the correct clothes and look right is pretty important - especially if you are new to the job. Most companies are vague on the standards they expect of their staff but it is not that hard to predict what the expectations are, particularly if you take a look at the appearance of other members of staff. It is safe to assume that short skirts and outrageously bright clothing are to avoided, certainly before you are settled in the company.
If there is any doubt, of course you can consult your superior on the subject to check the standard expected. It is always better to be over cautious initially and to be aware of what your clothing says about you.
You may be in the position of liaising with clients or customers and this means how you look is especially important as to those people you represent the company. How you look this reflects the image of the business.
Many people will not take a woman seriously if she is wearing revealing and short clothing. You may be of the opinion that you should not be judged by how you look but, as Richard Branson once remarked, "Never judge another person's appearance but be aware that everyone else does."
In many ways men have it easy as their look is more defined. In business, a good dark suit always works and other professions have their own uniforms too. For ladies the look is more complicated.
There is a lot to be said for appearing business-like if you want to do business. Think how you would react to someone dressed inappropriately and you will understand how others might feel.
Stating your individuality is all very well but if it affects the way you do your job then maybe your style is better kept for leisure time.
In the same way, it would be wise to try to understand how your appearance will seem to your fellow workers. Hopefully it will not be long before you are friendly with other workers and the gossip will tell you what is good and what is not good. Once again analyze your own reactions to the clothes other people wear and you will begin to understand what works and what is best avoided.
Being conservative in your appearance is also a good idea if you want to avoid being the subject of the office gossip yourself!
It is still very true that men hold sway in many companies and it is useful to understand how they react to inappropriate clothing too. Short dresses and skirts can be seen as trashy or even provocative by many men so they present a risk to your prospects at work.
The Internet is so useful in many ways and that is the case here too. Find yourself a good quality clothing store online and have a look at their business attire. You may well find there is indeed a great deal of leeway within the standards you have identified and that you can indeed have your own style within the restrictions set.
Of course you are not restricted to buying from the stores you find online but you can certainly get some ideas about what you want. Doing research in this way helps you get a grasp on what clothing you can wear at work and still be fashionable.
Once you have your clothing organized then you can also consider your makeup.
As always, the best makeup for work is the natural look. A good all natural makeup is the best as it will work with your skin without using artificial additives that clog your pores and react with your skin. In this way you will avoid creating spots and rashes that will affect your confidence.
Learn how to use an all natural makeup so you highlight the best features of your face. Everyone has good features and the key is to understand what they are and the best look for you. The excessive use of cosmetics will once again give you a cheap image.
Skillful application of an all natural makeup will present you at your best and give you a glow that will put you at an advantage in the appearance stakes.
The reality is it is worth taking the time to research your clothing and makeup to ensure you put yourself at the best advantage at work. Correctly done, the use of all natural makeup and the right clothing will enhance your chances of getting ahead at work.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6770020

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Best Makeup For Oily Skin

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Best Makeup For Oily Skin

While searching for the very best makeup for oily skin, it is vital that you take into consideration the reason why your skin is actually greasy in the first place. Rather than taking a look at your oily chin, nose, and brow wanting to know how you can cover it up, maybe you ought to determine the main cause and attempt to correct that first.
First step: fault your mother and father. One of the primary reasons for oily pores and skin is actually something you have zero control over. Genetic makeup could be the main reason you're encountering oil troubles. Oily pores and skin certainly is not something which is handed down within families over a long time. If perhaps neither of the two of your parents possess or even had oily pores and skin chances are they are likely not the principle reason for your current troubles.
Often the difference between developing clear pores and skin and experiencing oily skin is something as basic as not consuming sufficient h2o to be able to remove the harmful toxins from the system. Your system wants to consume fresh drinking water and employ it to eliminate the many harmful toxins through your pee. When you do not ingest ample drinking water, or the things you take in are generally not clean enough,(consist of just about all sweetener and synthetic ingredients) your body is required to remove its harmful toxins by way of some other method. Normally, this is achieved by perspiration as well as making oil. This is actually the same exact reason you are able to smell liquor on someone who was consuming alcohol the night before. Their body is actually sweating out all the bad things from the liquor because liquor dehydrates a person so that you do not have sufficient h2o within your system to get rid of it all normally.
Changes in hormone blood levels, similar to the ones that unavoidably occur as part of your teenage years as well as twenties could cause skin to get greasy as well as result in acne outbreaks. There is much more to hormonally triggered acne breakouts than simply the teen ages, lots of women might break out as a result of hormonal adjustments coming from having their period, having a baby, or even going into menopause. Several different forms of birth control drugs may make the skin oilier as well. The very best makeup for oily skin that you could purchase can be quite high-priced in the event you begin to find that you only require it if you have your menstrual cycle.
Again, men are the culprit. The main reason for hormonally triggered oil on your pores and skin is a body hormone known as androgen. I am aware this might sound strange, but androgen is really a males body hormone. Even though it is usually a male body hormone, its still created in the woman's ovaries as well as adrenal glands. The main reason you might realize that your face is very greasy near your menstrual cycle is due to the changes in the volume of androgen which can be generated by your system throughout menstruation.
The advantage of having oily complexion is it will keep your skin appearing more youthful. As men and women grow older, those having oilier skin tone normally experience lesser number of lines and wrinkles. If I was presented with the decision between living to 70 and looking fantastic the entire time, or living to ONE-HUNDRED but appearing greasy daily, I know what one I would personally decide on. If perhaps you have read through every one of these major reasons for oil but still can not work out how to deal with it, putting on the very best makeup for oily skin may be the quickest road to take. Aside from that, a person always has the choice of going to your skin specialist or even general practitioner to check if there could possibly be a health condition leading to your oily skin tone.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6890223

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Best Makeup For Acne Prone Skin

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Best Makeup For Acne Prone Skin

If you have struggled with acne for any period in your life, you probably understand how difficult it is to find a makeup that provides substantial coverage. Not only that, but skin affected by acne is difficult to apply makeup on, as the skin is generally oily. You may also find that the makeup makes the acne condition worse, as the skin is more sensitive in these areas. If you have struggled to find a makeup that properly addresses all of these issues, you may be in luck, as more and more cosmetic companies have been focusing on makeup for acne.
This makeup is generally a bit more expensive than other makeup brands, but the benefits you see are well worth the price. Probably one of the most popular types of makeup for acne prone skin has been mineral makeup. Mineral makeup is a recent addition to the beauty world, and it is good for acne simply because of the coverage it provides. There are also numerous brands available that use all natural ingredients that help prevent irritation.
Even if you have a makeup that is designed for acne prone skin, you still need to take a few steps to ensure you don't irritate your skin. The most important thing to remember, is to always wash your face before applying any makeup. If you are being treated for acne by a dermatologist, make sure you check to make certain you can use this form of makeup on your skin. These doctors are going to be the most familiar with the different harmful ingredients, so make sure to bring a sample with you.
The process of applying makeup on skin irritated with acne, is to first apply a primer before the foundation. This is key in helping to hide any current or past acne blemishes. After that you would want to also use a concealer to further cover up the blemishes. Like I said earlier, mineral makeup is the best to use with acne, and a powder foundation is the preferred option. When you are ready to go to bed, make sure you wash your face completely. Usually it's best if you wash twice, to ensure you have cleared your pores completely.
For many reasons mineral makeup is a great solution for sensitive skin sufferers. The ingredient list is simply better, and it is an overall lighter form of makeup. Because it is so much healthier, it remains the best option for individuals with acne or blemishes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6566473

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Cost Wedding Makeup Artist

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Do Your Own Bridal Makeup

Have you ever thought of doing your own bridal makeup? Though it may be more convenient hiring a makeup artist on your special day, doing your own makeup can be a rewarding experience. This is especially so when you have your own style of makeup and you know what colours works best on you. Other reasons for doing your own wedding makeup is cost. The savings made from not using the service of makeup artist will allow you to spend on other things like a more luxurious honeymoon.
To ensure that you look fabulous and radiant on your special day, it is important to take care of inner you. That is, have plenty of rest and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Doing so will help hydrate your skin and enhance the look you want to achieve on your wedding day.
Plan your makeup style. Do one or several trial makeup on yourself days before your special day. When choosing eye shadow colours and lipstick, take in to consideration how they will make you look in photos. Choose eye shadow colours that match your eye colour. If you decide to have more dramatic eye makeup, then it is necessary to tone down the colour of your lipstick. Add a touch of gloss in the middle of your lips for a luscious glow.
Make your makeup last longer by using primer before apply foundation. Makeup primer acts a barrier and is useful for covering up facial scars, dark under eye circles and fine lines. Primer stops eye shadow from creasing and reduces used of makeup foundation.
With careful planning and time management, you can do your own bridal makeup. Sleep well the night before and give yourself plenty of time to do your makeup. It can be a satisfying and fulfilling experience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2779435

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Mac Makeup Artist Wedding

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Do-it-Yourself Wedding Makeup Tips

You want to shine like a star in your wedding photos, and the right makeup will play a big role in that. For most women, a professional makeup artist is not a necessity. These are the top DIY wedding makeup tips you need to know to get a perfect result.
Just because you do not hire a professional makeup artist does not mean that you cannot benefit from their expertise. You can schedule a free consultation with a makeup artist at a department store or your favorite makeup store, like MAC. They do not charge you for a free makeup application, based on the assumption that you will probably buy some of the products they use (which you likely will want to do anyway). It can be a great value, and you will learn tips that you will use not only on your wedding day, but for your everyday beauty routine as well. Bring a friend to help you remember all of the tips that you are given.
To get the most of of your free makeup lesson, it is important to come prepared. If at all possible, wear a shirt that is in a similar color to your wedding gown. What looks best with ivory may not be the same as what is most flattering against white. Many brides will also wear their bridal jewelry. This is an especially good idea if you have any color to your bridal jewelry, so the artist can select lipstick and eyeshadow shades that complement, rather than clash with, your accessories. You should also be prepared to tell your makeup artist about the style of your wedding, as well as what look appeals to you in general. For instance, if you are having an afternoon wedding on a beach, you would want a very natural and healthy look, whereas for an evening wedding, you might prefer a more sultry, sophisticated effect.
Leave the makeup from your trial run on all day to see how it feels and performs over the course of many hours. Does the mascara flake? Or perhaps the foundation feels cakey and heavy on your skin? Some makeup may even have a reaction with the natural oils in your skin and change color over time (foundation and pressed powder are the most prone to this). You might also be pleasantly surprised by a lipstick that really does not fade or eyeshadow that stays crease-free. The time to find all of this out is before your wedding so that you can choose alternate products if need be.
Practice makes perfect, so be sure to try your hand applying your new makeup a few times before your wedding day. If you are not usually one to wear makeup, you may wish to enlist a friend to help you. At one wedding I attended, a bevy of friends did the bride's makeup, with each doing the part at which she was most skilled. One woman did the foundation and concealer, another the eyeshadow and liquid eyeliner, a third applied a few false lashes (the tiny individual ones can look natural and glamorous at the same time), and a fourth friend handled the lipcolor. The results of the team effort was sheer perfection!
Doing your own wedding makeup is entirely possible with a little guidance and practice. The results can be just as beautiful as makeup applied by a professional, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your makeup is done exactly the way you like it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3124492

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Hair Stylist For Wedding

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How to Find a Great Wedding Hairstylist

The way in which you wear your hair for your wedding will be a big part of your overall look. Hair always sends a message, whether it is polished, beachy, trendy, or something else. Finding the right person to do your hair for your wedding is key, because your wedding is not the day to do your own hair or to trust an amateur. These tips will help you to find a great wedding hairstylist for your big day.
While many women already have a hairstylist that they trust without reservation, there are an equal number who do not have that kind of relationship with a particular stylist or salon. It might be that you get your hair cut at a walk-in salon or that you are getting married in a town far from your home and your hairdresser. Or perhaps you even have someone who normally cuts your hair, but you are not sure that you can trust her to style it for the most important event of your life. Whatever the case, bad hair results in a bad looking bride, so this is no time to take chances!
Start your search for the perfect wedding hairstylist by asking around. Word of mouth is always the best way to get recommendations. Keep in mind that styling hair can be very different than cutting or even coloring it, and that different stylists may have different specialties. I once knew a stylist who was a brilliant colorist, very talented at cutting hair, and always current with the latest trends and techniques. She had no interest in creating formal hairstyles however, and routinely referred brides to a more junior member of her salon who had great enthusiasm for updos and other wedding hairstyles. So be sure that you ask your friends, family, or wedding vendors specifically for a great wedding hairdresser, not just a great hairdresser.
Once you have a couple of recommendations, it is time to get on the phone. There are several important questions to ask any hairstylist you are considering. Of course, you need to know about their fees and their availability for your wedding date. If you are looking for a salon which has enough staff to style the hair of your entire bridal party, and the mothers of the bride and groom, in addition to the bride's hair, definitely see if they can handle that. Perhaps you are looking for a stylist who will come to your hotel on the morning of the wedding or one who has a great makeup artist available at her salon. Or maybe you have extremely long hair or want a non-traditional hairstyle; these are all important things to discuss with a potential stylist.
The next step is the trial run. Schedule it at least a couple of months before your wedding, in case you are not happy with the first attempt. Be sure to bring pictures of hairstyles which you like, a picture of your wedding gown, and your wedding hair jewelry. If you are planning to wear a special piece of wedding jewelry, such as a dramatic pair of crystal chandelier earrings, you may wish to bring those too so that your hairstyle can be planned to show them off. During your trial run, pay attention to things like how well the stylist listens to you, how informed she is of current trends in wedding beauty, and how long it takes her to achieve the style you like. Also go in with an open mind, because she may have some suggestions on how to improve upon a hairstyle you saw in a magazine. Be sure to leave your hair in the style created at the trial run for the rest of the day to see how well it holds up.
If the first trial run is a success, there is nothing left to do but to book your appointment for the morning of your wedding. If the hairstyle created was close, but not quite right, you may wish to have a second trial run to fine tune things. Of course, if you were not at all happy with either the hairstyle or the experience of working with a particular stylist, by all means, keep looking. Every bride deserves to have fabulous hair on her wedding day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5521182

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Best Mineral Makeup

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Best Mineral Makeup

When everything seems to be a blur when you choose the right mineral makeup for your skin, you can usually need to know more about them. Making every effect weigh out as you choose, eventually, you can get the best mineral makeup that is suitable for your skin and your preference.
With having relativity to the subject, it pays to where you seek help from. With many mineral makeup makers, they have also come a long way from traditional makeup, giving each of their product a unique effect that some might not offer, take your time and choose the right ones for you.
Mineral makeup can make you look youthful, giving it a fresh look to your skin and leaving a very light feel to it, thus giving out the impression of wearing no makeup at all.
When searching for the best mineral makeup brands, there are often some complaints along the way. You don't expect even a perfect product to please everybody. It can have various styles of application and many seem to misinterpret on how they work. Furthermore, with having various skin types, there is simply a struggle to the consistency of makeup ingredients. When you are still new at using make up, here are the most notable mineral makeup makes in the industry.
Pronounced as Bare essentials, they are one of the most popular brands in the cosmetic industry. They have the best mineral makeup ingredients that the world has to offer. You may have seen their ads on some shopping channels. They are renowned for amazing quality. They have also won the best prestige foundation by Glamour Magazines on 2005 to 2006.
With most of its users will likely comment are; It creates a very smooth and flawless complexion. They are lightweight. Even on humid conditions, the makeup is still intact. It also has lots of color selections and especially its coveted glimmer collections. Even with its small quantity on its retail, it can last very long and even lasts longer than most in comparison to its competitors. It also has the finest grains, giving an occasional eye irritation when being applied. Furthermore, they are very messy, often hard to be used on most occasions.
Also, their assessment to this company that makes mineral makeup is that the products are difficult to find and expensive, often needing to use special brushes to be applied correctly.
This is an online company that produces a lot of cosmetic products for its customers. The most notable feedback on them is inconsistent, giving a love or just plain hate review of its mineral makeup products.
Customers often found out that they are best suited for women aged 40 and above. Their product gives out a natural look even for oily and dry faces. They have customized pigment colors to choose from, often this can easily be used for mixing personal favorite shades. They often have more products sold on their website other than mineral makeup. In addition, they overload information on their products and giving tips and advices along the way. There may be common customer complaints but are mainly about ordering, quality, shipping and returns.
Next up is Afterglow Cosmetics; it is also a site where they sell their products which are made of natural mineral cosmetics. The most notable customer remarks are as follows; the customer service is top-notch, gives you more personal care than any of its competitors. Their mineral makeup is lightweight. It lasts a long time and requires only one application a day. Also, it shows a light glow, but not really that shiny after application. If you are looking for the best mineral makeup then this is probably one of them.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1238548

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Best Makeup Brand

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Best Makeup Brand

If you are suffering from allergies it is important to avoid any stimulus that causes your allergies. People who are allergic to different foods need to make sure that they identify the foods and eliminate it from their diet. The same thing goes with makeup allergies. It is important look for hypoallergenic makeup brands that don't have the chemical that you are allergic too.
Anyone who is interested in getting allergy relief needs to know the chemical that they are allergic too. You could know that you are allergic to a specific product, but you don't know what chemical in the product you are allergic too. Talking to your doctor about the specific product can often give you information about ways to get testing to find out what allergy you have.
Once you know the chemical that you have allergies to, you will need to ensure that you avoid products that contain these chemicals. This is where learning how to read labels is important. If you know the chemical that you are allergic to you can avoid products that contain those products.
There are many different hypoallergenic makeup brands that offer a variety of different items that are meant to be allergy free. The important part about finding the right makeup is to avoid buying things that will cause your reactions to occur. There are a variety of different products that are available.
Because there is not regulation among different hypoallergenic makeup brands, it is important that you find something that can work for you. Look at different brands that have a good reputation when you are looking for something to purchase. This will ensure that you get the allergy relief that you need.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3347202

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